A型超声诊断仪的主要结构为发射电路、接收电路和时间电路,这些电路的性能直接关系到诊断的准确性。为便于用万用表对A型超声波诊断仪进行检修,我们以个台CTS-5型诊断仪的有关数据,作为检修的质量依据。 1.始波:在常规灵敏度条件下,使用2.5MC探头时,始波高6cm,波底宽约0.4cm,前后沿陡直无杂波,如图1所示。增益调至最大时,波底增宽至1cm左右,但波形不变。时间基线及始波均稳定而无抖动畸变。
The main structure of A-type ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus is transmitting circuit, receiving circuit and time circuit. The performance of these circuits is directly related to the diagnostic accuracy. In order to facilitate the use of multimeter on the A-type ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus for repair, we have a CTS-5-type diagnostic data, as the basis of quality inspection. 1. Start wave: Under the normal sensitivity condition, when using the 2.5MC probe, the initial wave height is 6cm, the wave bottom width is about 0.4cm, and the front and back edges are steep and straight without clutter, as shown in Figure 1. Gain adjusted to the maximum, the wave bottom widened to about 1cm, but the same waveform. Time baseline and initial wave are stable without jitter distortion.