Garage Sales

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   Many people in the United States have old things in their houses or apartments. They have old clothes, books, dishes, and furniture in their closets and basements.
   In the spring, people usually clean their house or apartments very well. They wash the windows, floors, and walls. People also clean before they move to a different house or apartment. When they clean, they find many used things. People often give these things to needy families.
   Sometimes people sell their old things. One way to sell things is to have a garage sale. When a family has a garage sale, they take their car out of the garage. They put old clothes, furniture, and other used things in the garage. If a family doesn’t have a garage, they can put the things to sell outside in their yard. Then they put a price on each thing.
   Garage sales are great places to buy things for your house or apartment. You can find good used things at low prices. If you buy new things at a store, prices can high. But if you buy used things at a garage sale, prices are usually low.
   Price are not always fixed at garage sales. You can usually bargain for a different price. If something costs ten dollars, you can offer five dollars.
   Garage sales are usually on weekends. You can find good things at garage sales. Americans say, “One person’s garbage is another person’s treasure.”
【高考真题】  1. -Excuse me, sir, where is Room 301?  -Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ______ you to your room. (2007年高考北京卷)  A. showB. shows  C. to show D. showing  2. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest
冠词是高考多项选择必考的语法项目之一, 一般每年有一道小题, 两个空。因为冠词用法比较灵活,往往随着语境的变化而变化, 并且固定搭配和特例较多,失分的考生比较多。让我们一起先来分析往年高考是怎么考冠词的。  【高考真题】  1.-How about _______ Christmas evening party?  -I should say it was _______ success.(200
编者语:同学们,假如你是命题者,你会从哪些方面、用何种方式去考查高考单项填空?大家不妨换种角度去思考,试着摸清高考命题规律及材料来源,这样你就能在复习备考中做到有的放矢。本文以2007年考题为例归纳多项选择题的语料来源,希望能有效地帮助同学们进行复习备考。    一、考题的题干完全(或略加修改)来源于权威的外文词典。    【高考真题】  1. Don’t be _______ by produc
高考即将来临,备考大战谁是主将,谁来挂帅?同学们,那临战直到正式上战场指挥千军万马的不是别人,而是每一位面临高考的同学们自己!没有人可以依靠和替代!  在高考备考的战场上,我们发起一次次的冲锋,呐喊着,呼啸着,前进着。高考的压力是巨大的,有时甚至叫人窒息,难以承受!但换个角度去思考,青春的天空,也正是因为有了高考的挑战,我们才能把目光放得高远;青春的日子,也正是因为有了高考的陪伴,我们才能把豪情写
定语从句是高中英语学习的重要语法知识之一,也是历年高考的热点。下面我们来一起分析2007年NMET的14套试卷中的定语从句的题目:    通过以上的分析,我们会发现2007年定语从句考查的重点有以下五个方面:非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中做主语;介词加关系代词;关系副词在从句中做状语。它的难点在于介词的选择和关系副词的选择。除此之外,命题者还会通过改变句子的正常语序或借助于其它语法项目来体现。
“that”作为一个常见的虚词,处处可见其踪影。这类题目貌似简单,但对于把英语当作一门外语来学习的中国学生来说,很难区分出它的词性。但是这类题目还是有捷径可寻的——那就是它在句中的位置是确定的,此时通常要考查学生的是:that 与one、it这三个词之间的区别。下面笔者从2007年的高考试题入手进行详细分析。    【高考真题】    1. Little joy can equal _______
动词get含义丰富,用法也较为复杂, 是历年高考考查的一个热点词语。现将其主要用法作如下小结:    一、 用作不及物动词    get用作不及物动词时,主要意为“到达”,后接副词时不带介词to,接名词时则应带介词to。例如:  He had no sooner got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.   他一到实验室就开始着手做实
非谓语动词包括不定式、动名词和分词,是历年高考试题考查的重点。纵观历年高考试题,对非谓语动词的考查主要集中在以下几个方面:    一、考查非谓语动词作定语    可以在句子中充当定语的非谓语动词,通常有动词不定式、动词的-ing形式和动词的过去分词。  1. 动词不定式充当定语,表示该动作系“主动”或“将要发生的动作”。当名词被first, last, second及only等词修饰时,其后常用不
编者语:否定句是常见的英语句式之一,本期“学法指导”栏目里,刊发的《英语中的另类否定句》归纳了高考中的五种特殊的否定形式。以期待能为同学们的英语复习备考提供帮助。    英语中除了not, no, never表示否定以外,还有很多种特殊的否定。笔者结合多年教学经验,将高考中的五种特殊否定形式进行详细归纳整理,供考生复习参考。    一、表示否定意义的副词seldom, hardly, scarce
编者语:你知道英语语法中的省略现象吗?你是否在解答此类题时常常碰壁,不知所措?你想改变这种窘境吗?本文将助你一臂之力,绕过思维障碍,重拾信心,不再为省略的考查而丢分。    【高考真题】  Though he started late, Mr. Guo played the piano as well as, if _______, David.  A. not better thanB. not