Always be grateful永远心存感激

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  When we come to this world, we get care and help from many people.Parents give birth to us and cultivate us to grow.Friends are always there to help us. Teachers try to guide us to a better life path. And even strangers also give us a lot of warmth. All of this teaches us to learn to be grateful to others.
  As the saying goes, “Only a life lived for others is worth it.” So what is important to us is that we have to remember that we should be grateful to others forever. Besides, I think it is especially important that this is reflected in our actions. For parents, the best gift we can give them is to study hard and make progress every day. At home, we should help them share as much housework as possible. In order to express our love for our parents, we should often chat with them about our progress in learning and so on. For teachers, we should be strict with ourselves. We should take the classes and do the homework assigned by teachers seriously. Study hard and try to be a moral person, and a person who will be useful to society in the future.
  As we all know, friends are the wealth of life. We should treat our friends sincerely and always be friendly to them. It is important to learn to cherish the friendship between friends. We should help others.Don?蒺t forget that helping others is also helping ourselves. So for others, especially for strangers, we should be friendly to them. We should offer to give them a hand when they have difficulties. In a word, we are active in helping others and we are grateful to others, to our society.
  Thank the world for bringing us light and warmth, and thank the world for giving us a beautiful nature.Thanks to the society for providing us many opportunities for success, and thanks to our homeland for giving us a peaceful place to live.
  Always be grateful, and strive to make the world a better place, a more beautiful homeland.
  (指导教师: 舒立萍)
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