Star Light, Star Bright

来源 :阅读(快乐英语中年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shibalian
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  Star light, star bright,
  First star I see tonight.
  I wish I may, I wish I might,
  Have the wish I wish tonight.
I like Chinese traditional food.  And I like dumplings best.  I usually make dumplings with my grandparents.  Handmade dumplings are really nice and yummy.  Eating dumplings is full of joy and happine
What’s a book? 有人说,书是智慧的钥匙;有人说,书是人类进步的阶梯;有人说,书是生命的向导;有人说,书是美餐,是精神的食粮;还有人说,书是导师,是朋友,是船,是屹立在时间海洋中的灯塔……  A book is a book! 在这本有趣的图画书里,我们一起去探寻关于书的奥秘!  A book is to read.  A book is paper and small or big.
“春天在哪里呀?春天在哪里?春天在那青翠的山林里……”哼著愉快的歌曲,Peppe Pig一家来到郊外寻找春天。春天在哪里呢?请找一找并涂色。
可恶的蚜虫(aphids)开始悄悄啃食棉花姑娘(cotton)的叶子。棉花姑娘生病了,她多么盼望医生来给她治病啊!燕子、啄木鸟、青蛙都来帮她治病,但是都帮不上忙。怎么回事呢?最后谁治好了棉花姑娘的病?Let’s read the story.  This is Cotton Girl.  She lives beside(在……旁边) a tree.  The cotton girl is so
闻名遐迩的花果山深处隐藏着一所不为人知的水果学院Fruit College。果宝三剑客橙子Orange、菠萝Pineapple、苹果Apple和众多水果在此集合,椰子院长Coconut计划将它们训练成一支“果宝特工队”。  Hi, I am Grape. I am purple.  大家好,我是葡萄,我是紫色的。  Hi, I am Orange.  I am orange.  大家好,我是橙子,
学 名:Hamster  种 属:Cricetidae(仓鼠科)  体 长:5~12 centimeters  體 重:30~1000 grams  居住地:caves(洞穴)  食 谱:nuts, seeds, and leaves  特 长:drill holes(钻洞)  Hamster likes hiding food in cheeks.  仓鼠喜欢把食物藏在腮帮子里。  This i
松鼠索利(Surly)和小伙伴们在坚果店(Nut Shop)里乐不思蜀,可惜坚果店发生了意外爆炸,他们只好又回到了自由公园(Liberty Park)。市长(Mayor)为谋取私利雇佣工人强拆Liberty Park,想建立一座名叫“自由乐园(Liberty Land)”的游乐场。势单力薄的Surly搬来救兵冯先生(Mr. Feng),大家齐心协力打败了Mayor,Liberty Park恢复了往
学 名:Crocodile  种 属:Crocodilia(鳄目)  体 长:more than 4 meters  体 重:about 300 kilos  居住地:rivers, lakes and coast(海岸)  食 谱:fish, frogs and other animals  特 長:swim and climb  This is a squirrel.  It is very
My favorite subject is English.  I enjoy speaking English.  English is widely used in the world.  No matter where we go, we can speak English.  I believe I can learn English very well.  指導老师:赵 彤
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