测定雌激素受体(ER)和孕激素受体(PgR)对评估乳腺癌的内分泌治疗反应及其预后有重要意义,但内分泌治疗反应及复发并非全由ER,PgR决定,因为有部分ER,PgR阳性的肿瘤内分泌治疗无反应。为探讨ER蛋白/ER mRNA比率(ER·R,ER·R<1.5为低危险组,ER·R1组,ER·R>1.5为高危险组,ER·R2组,pS2 mRNA(受雌激素调控的一种预后良好的指标),c-erbB-2 mRNA(受雌激素抑制的一种预后不良的指标)在判断乳腺癌预后的意义,选择171例确诊乳腺癌者。
The determination of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) is important for evaluating the endocrine therapy response and prognosis of breast cancer, but the endocrine therapy response and recurrence are not entirely determined by ER, PgR, because of some ER, PgR-positive tumor endocrine therapy did not respond. To investigate the ratio of ER protein/ER mRNA (ER·R, ER·R<1.5 is low risk group, ER·R1 group, ER·R>1.5 is high risk group, ER·R2 group, pS2 mRNA is regulated by estrogen An indicator of good prognosis.) The significance of c-erbB-2 mRNA (an indicator of prognosis that is inhibited by estrogen) in determining the prognosis of breast cancer. 171 breast cancer patients were selected.