运用比光谱 导数分光光度法的基本原理 ,推导了双除数因子 比光谱导数分光光度 (计算 )法同时测定三元混合物含量的基本公式 ,研究了在邻硝基酚、间硝基酚和对硝基酚三元混合物同时测定中的应用 ,取得了满意的结果。另外 ,还比较了单位浓度的除数因子与一般除数因子在测量邻硝基酚、间硝基酚和对硝基酚三元混合物时的方法灵敏度 ,证明用单位浓度溶液标准光谱作除数因子时灵敏度较高。
Based on the basic principle of spectral derivative spectrophotometry, the basic formula for simultaneous determination of ternary mixtures by double divisor factor ratio spectrophotometry (calculation) was deduced. The effects of o-nitrophenol, m-nitrophenol and p- The application of the simultaneous determination of phenolic ternary mixtures has yielded satisfactory results. In addition, we also compared the sensitivity of the divisor factor and the general divisor factor of the unit concentration in the measurement of the ternary mixture of o-nitrophenol, m-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol, and proved that the sensitivity of the standard spectrum of the unit concentration solution Higher.