目的了解无锡市艾滋病高危人群中艾滋病病毒感染的流行情况及其影响因素,为政府制定艾滋病防治政策提供科学依据。方法按照《全国艾滋病哨点监测方案》对暗娼、性病门诊就诊者、男男性行为者、嫖客等人群进行监测,利用SPSS 13.0统计软件对监测数据进行统计分析。结果无锡市艾滋病高危人群对艾滋病防治核心知识的知晓率为81.0%;暗娼、性病门诊就诊者、男男性行为者和嫖客的HIV阳性检出率分别为0.00%、3.50%、12.50%和0.10%;45.75%的暗娼和32.62%的嫖客能够100%使用安全套;43.33%的性病门诊就诊者最近三个月与小姐发生过性行为,65.63%的男男性行为者最近六个月内与同性发生过肛交性行为。结论应探索不同形式的艾滋病高危干预工作,促进艾滋病高危人群改变其高危行为方式,防止艾滋病从高危人群向一般人群蔓延。
Objective To understand the prevalence and influencing factors of HIV infection among high-risk population of AIDS in Wuxi and provide scientific basis for government to formulate AIDS prevention and control policy. Methods According to the National AIDS Sentinel Surveillance Program, the surveillance of sex workers, STD clinics, men who have sex with men, clients and so on were monitored. SPSS 13.0 software was used to analyze the data. Results The awareness rate of core knowledge of AIDS prevention and treatment in Wuxi high risk population was 81.0%. The HIV positive rate among sex workers, STD clinics, MSM and clients was 0.00%, 3.50%, 12.50% and 0.10%, respectively ; 45.75% of the female sex workers and 32.62% of the clients are able to use condoms 100%; 43.33% of the STD clinicians have had sex with the lady in the recent three months and 65.63% of the men who have sex with the same sex within the recent six months Anal sex. Conclusions Different forms of high-risk HIV / AIDS interventions should be explored to promote high-risk HIV / AIDS patients to change their high-risk behaviors and prevent AIDS from spreading from the high-risk population to the general population.