相传,东汉桓帝在位时的有一年春天,宛城一带,疾病盛行,千村哭泣,万人惊恐,来求张仲景看病的人更是从早到晚,川流不息。 这一天,天刚麻麻亮,舂陵的刘员外就来人请张仲景了。 刘员外家离这里有十多里路,一路上,张仲景看到田野、沟旁新坟不断,还有拉灵、抬灵、送灵的人们,一行行、一伙伙正在路上行走着,情景不堪目睹,哭
According to legend, during the reign of Emperor Shunyi of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a year of spring and Wancheng area. The disease was prevalent. Thousands of villages cried and everyone was frightened. The people who came to seek Zhang Zhongjing’s visit to hospital were from morning till night. On this day, Tianma Ma Maliang, Liling’s foreigner asked Zhang Zhongjing. There are more than a dozen miles away from the Liu’s hometown. Along the way, Zhang Zhongjing saw the field, the new grave beside the ditch, and the people who pulled, lifted, and sent souls. The line-up and a gang were walking on the road. Unsightly, crying