In today’s society of human civilization and highly developed science and technology,the designs full of creativity are renewing constantly just like a wave train around us.People’s requirements for product material function not only need to meet the people’s aesthetic taste,but also need to organic unity of science and technology,art,economy and the society.With the highly development of today’s science and technology,the increasingly pluralism of people’s life modality,the kinds and styles of the production relative to people’s need are increasing.As the college students of 21 new century,it is the unavoidable duty of carrying forward the Chinese regional characteristic industrial products.We need to precipitate the China’s 5thousand years national history,making our national elements to be the bright crystallization,so we need to deeply research and analyze the design thoughts and theories in developed countries,to go deeply into the realities of life,analysis their design features,so as to “learn the advanced technologies from the West ”.
In today’s society of human civilization and highly developed science and technology, the designs full of creativity are renewing alerted just just a wave train around us. People’s requirements for product material function not only need to meet the people’s aesthetic taste, but also need to organic unity of science and technology, art, economy and the society. With the highly development of today’s science and technology, the increasingly pluralism of people’s life modality, the kinds and styles of the production relative to people’s need are increasing.As the college students of 21 new century, it is the unavoidable duty of carrying the Chinese regional characteristic industrial products. We need to precipitate the China’s 5thousand years national history, making our national elements to be the bright crystallization, so we need to deeply research and analyze the design thoughts and theories in developed countries, to go deeply into the realities of life, analysis their design features, so as to “” learn the advanced technologies from the West ".