Myzus aphids, also known as peach aphids, commonly known as greyworms, honey insects; is the province of flue-cured tobacco crops on the main pests, flue-cured tobacco sowing to transplanting field growth during the occurrence of both aphids have a serious impact on the normal growth of flue-cured tobacco, During the occurrence of aphids, in addition to thorn smoking tobacco juice, but also can infect a variety of viruses, secretion of large amounts of honey dew, pollution of tobacco leaves, causing soot disease, the tobacco brown. Occurred serious harm, the loss of production and quality decline even more prominent. In order to ensure the production and quality improvement of flue-cured tobacco, and to control the harm of tobacco aphid to flue-cured tobacco safely, economically and effectively, it is necessary to know the occurrence and harm characteristics of the tobacco aphid and its technical measures. Host and insect aphid infestation: In addition to endangering flue-cured tobacco aphids, its host range is very wide, the main host crucifer, Solanaceae, Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, leguminous and peach fruit, plum Apricot, plum, cherry and so on. The crops susceptible to aphids are rape, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, lotus flower, cauliflower, eggplant, spinach, lettuce, celery, tomato, zucchini and potato. Spring potato