理论学习的学风问题 ,不是一个简单的学习和研究方法问题 ,也不是领导干部和理论工作者个人的私事 ,而是事关党的兴衰和事业成败的重大政治问题。对此 ,我党历史上两次大的飞跃和两大理论成果的产生已作了深刻而生动的注解。在全党深入学习邓小平理论的今天 ,切实解决好对待理论学习的态度、理论联系实际、文风等问题具有十分重要的意义。
The study style of theoretical study is not a simple question of study and research methods, nor is it the private affair of leading cadres and theoretical workers, but a major political issue that concerns the success or failure of the party and the rise and fall of the party. In response, two big leaps in our party’s history and the production of two major theoretical achievements have made a profound and vivid remark. Today, when the entire party studies Deng Xiaoping Theory in depth, it is of great significance to effectively solve the problem of studying theoretical studies, to integrate theory with practice and to write style of writing.