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近年,在切除恶性肿瘤时行彻底的淋巴结廓清术疗效得到提高。但是,肝转移成为歌得良好预后的最火障碍。因此,研究对转移性肝癌的诊断和治疗是现阶段肿瘤医学的重要课题。转移性肝癌的诊断随着肿瘤标记(tumer marker)的发现和影象诊断技术的极大进步与普及,早期发现肝转移灶已成为可能。转移性肝癌的原发癌50~60%为大肠癌,其次为胃癌、胰癌、食道癌等。行早期治疗即发现转移(同时性)和5年以后癌症复发的报告不少。在一组62例大肠癌肝转移的研究中,34例肝转移为同时性(55%),28例为异时性,而67%的异时性转移是在原发癌切除后的24个月。早期发现异时性转移性肝癌的方法颇多。水本等对大肠癌肝转移进行定期CT 检查,发现大肠癌的增殖时间平均为37.6±27.8日。大肠癌切除到肝转移的间期不足2年的增殖时间(27.1±8.4日)比超过2年的增殖时间(80.2±41.5日)明显缩短。为了发现1~2cm 的肝转移灶,对进行原发癌早期治疗后的病人每1~2个月进 In recent years, the efficacy of thorough lymphadenectomy has increased in the removal of malignant tumors. However, liver metastases have become the most difficult fire disorder for songs. Therefore, the study of the diagnosis and treatment of metastatic liver cancer is an important issue in the current stage of oncology. The diagnosis of metastatic liver cancer With the discovery of tumor marker and the great advancement and popularity of imaging diagnostic techniques, early detection of liver metastases has become possible. The primary cancer of metastatic liver cancer is 50 to 60% of colorectal cancer, followed by gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer, and esophageal cancer. Early reports of metastasis (simultaneous) and recurrence of cancer after 5 years were reported. In a group of 62 cases of liver metastases from colorectal cancer, 34 cases of liver metastases were simultaneous (55%), 28 cases were allochronic, and 67% of allograft metastasis was 24 cases after primary cancer resection. month. There are many methods for early detection of metastatic metastatic liver cancer. Hydropsy et al. performed regular CT examinations of liver metastases of colorectal cancer and found that the average colorectal cancer proliferation time was 37.6±27.8 days. The proliferative time (27.1 ± 8.4 days) of the resection of colorectal cancer to liver metastasis was significantly shorter than that of more than 2 years (80.2 ± 41.5 days). In order to find liver metastases 1 to 2 cm, every 1 to 2 months for patients undergoing early treatment of primary cancer
阴茎肉瘤罕见,自1892年Beck报告以来,文献记载不到100例,国内近年报道6例。我科自1973-1983年共收治3例,报告如下。例1 43岁,因阴茎肿物4个月于1973年11月入院。阴茎根部有1
错构瘤多发生在肺、肝、肾、纵隔、腹膜后、乳腺等部位。发生在颈部皮下者,文献中未查见报告,本院近30年来仅遇见1例,报告如下。患者男 25岁住院号59990,2年前无意中发现颈
碳铂(cis-diammine-1,1-cyclobutane dicarboxylate platinum,简称CBDCA,JM公司定名JM_8)是第二代铂类抗癌新药。Cleare等首先发现它的抗癌活性,并证实其毒副作用低于顺氯氨