熔融共混法制备出甲壳素 /聚 ε-己内酯 (Chitin/ PCL)以及含 5%、15%、2 5%丁酰化甲壳素的共混物 ,并用 ARES研究其动态流变性及相容性。结果表明 ,加入丁酰化甲壳素后 ,共混物的复数粘度(ETa*)、储能模量 (G′)和损耗模量 (G″)显著降低 ;同时表观流动活化能 (Ea)也相应地减小 ,而改变温度对熔体的 ETa*、G′、G″的影响也减弱。丁酰化甲壳素的含量越多 ,ETa*及 Ea 越小 ;而超过 15%后 ,ETa*及 Ea 变化不大。初步表明在共混物中加入丁酰化甲壳素可提高 Chitin/ PCL的相容性
Chitin / PCL and blends containing 5%, 15% and 25% butyryl chitin were prepared by melt blending method. The dynamic rheological properties and phase Capacitive. The results showed that the complex viscosity (ETa *), storage modulus (G ’) and loss modulus (G “) of the blend decreased significantly with the addition of butyryl chitin, while the apparent activation energy (Ea) Also decreases correspondingly, and the effect of changing the temperature on the melt of ETa *, G ’, G ”also weakens. The more butylated chitin, the smaller the ETa * and Ea, whereas the more ETa * and Ea after 15%. Preliminary indications that the addition of butyrylchitin to the blend improves the compatibility of Chitin / PCL