
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wb_0622
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教学成败的关键是要让学生真正参与到教学活动中,发挥其主体地位。下面,笔者谈几点认识。一、贯彻情感教育,升华参与意识思想品德作为一门人文学科,应贯彻情感教育,突出育人功能。在《思想品德》教材中,大到国家兴衰,小至个人成败的经验教训,都蕴含着许多闪现人性光辉、深深感染学生的鲜活素材。在教学中,教师要及时捕捉这些素材,善于发现学生的闪光点,并加以肯定和鼓励,升华学生参与意识,使他们主动参与教学活动,成为课堂的主人。 The key to the success or failure of teaching is to enable students to truly participate in teaching activities, to play its dominant position. Below, I talk about some understanding. First, implement the emotional education, sublimation awareness of participation in ideology and morality as a humanities, emotional education should be implemented, highlighting the function of educating people. In the teaching materials of “ideological and morality”, the experiences and lessons ranging from the rise and fall of the country to the success and failure of the individual contain many vivid materials that flash human nature and deeply infect the students. In teaching, teachers should capture these materials in a timely manner, be good at discovering the bright spot of students, and affirm and encourage them to sublimate students’ awareness of participation so that they can take the initiative to participate in teaching activities and become the masters of the classroom.
我有一个小小的愿(yuàn)望,那就是我好想变成一棵大树。春天来了,我抽出新的枝条,长出嫩(nèn)绿的叶子,给大地带来勃(bó)勃生机。 I have a little wish (hope), that is
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