Class performance of English education graduate students who ever majored in EE bachelor program

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  【Abstract】English education is a key major in many colleges not only on bachelor program but also on master program. How the English education graduates who ever majored in English education bachelor perform and how they view their new curriculum and teaching styles are studied in this paper. The results show that students like EE master program better but there are some disadvantages to improve.
  【Key words】English education program; teaching style
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  On account of the important role of education, more and more colleges set education program not only in normal colleges. This paper is going to make a research on how English education graduates who ever majored in EE bachelor program perform on EE master program.
  Ⅱ. Method and results
  This study adopts a qualitative conversation analysis as the methodology. First, 4 EE graduates who had majored in EE bachelor program were interviewed by the author about their feelings for new teaching style and curriculum contents. Then two class hours of second language acquisition course were observed and the field notes were taken by the author. The interviews were conducted separately to all the four participants who were marked A, B, C and D.
  (1)What courses about education were set in your EE bachelor program?
  Interviewee B: Teaching Methodology. It was taught in English. And Pedagogy was in Chinese.
  (2) Which course do you like best? Could you please describe it?
  Interviewee C: I prefer Teaching Methodology. Other courses like Pedagogy and Psychology were taught in Chinese and they were really boring. What’s more, high school teachers were invited to have speeches in the Teaching Practice course sharing their viewpoints and experience.
  (3) Is there a course of EE master program you like very much?
  Interviewee A: I like professor Cheng’s course. Much information is given during her class and she can instantly inspire you. The analysis of many issues is deeper. I can take advantages from her course.
  Ⅲ. Discussion and implications
  After presenting the results of the research, it is easy to tell that Participant A, B and C likes the master program better. The bachelor program has some weaknesses: 1. There usually are too many students in one class so the students can’t focus. 2. Lecturing is the main teaching method used by EE bachelor program instructors. The reason why three of all the four participants like the master program could be summarized as follows: 1. The information is elaborated in a broader and deeper way. 2. Because there are only 17 students in the participants’ class, they have more opportunities to communicate directly with the instructors.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  In general, EE graduates who majored in EE bachelor program are satisfied with their new curriculum and teachers. However, the imbalance between theory and practice makes the students a little confused because they are preparing to be a future teacher. Moreover, students prefer the teaching style which could teach them how to learn but not just let them learn. To sum up, EE master program is on a higher level than the bachelor program, what is taught is deeper and broader than it.
【摘 要】本文以“以学生为中心”的ESP教学原则为指导,结合我院推行的以教学内容,教学方法,教学评价为主要内容的“三大教学改革”,探索与独立学院应用型人才培养目标相适应的计算机专业英语教学模式。  【关键词】独立学院 ESP 计算机专业英语 教学改革  一、引言  计算机专业英语属于特殊用途英语(即English for Specific Purposes,以下简称ESP)的范畴,是英语技能训练与
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【摘 要】随着时代发展,越来越多的教育工作者选择微课这一种教学模式。因为微课不仅能使学生学习立体几何更轻松,还能更好地提升学生对立体几何的学习兴趣,从而提高学习能力。总的来说,微课教学在我国中学数学教学实践中已获得良好的效果,并在一定程度上提升了中学数学教学质量。本文基于微课实践,探究立体几何性质定理,以期为提高中学生的逻辑推理能力提供一定参考。  【关键词】微课教学;立体几何;性质定理  中图分
【摘 要】随着新课改的不断深入以及先进教学理念的不断提出,人们对于小学阶段教学的重要组成部分——数学教学提出了更为严格的要求,其中最为重要的就是要提高小学数学课堂教学的有效性。因此,这就需要教师在具体的教学实践中,通过寓教于乐的教学形式,促进小学数学课堂教学有效性的极大提升,以满足课程改革发展以及学生个性化发展的需求。本文浅谈寓教于乐教学法在小学数学教学中的运用。  【关键词】小学数学;课堂教学;
【摘 要】阅读是学生获取知识的主要途径,阅读是各学科教学不可或缺的一部分。受到数学学科自身特点的影响,大部分教师在组织小学数学教学的时候,都忽视了数学阅读的重要性,机械地引导学生学习符号、公式等,导致学生数学阅读效果不佳,同时影响了数学学习能力发展。在这篇文章中,笔者将结合自身的教学经验,详细阐述引导小学生阅读数学的策略。  【关键词】小学数学;数学阅读;教学策略  中图分类号:G623.5
【摘 要】中国经济和高等教育的转型,使应用型人才培养代表了高等教育人才培养的重要方向。转变教育理念,从政府、学校、教师不同侧面,多维提升应用型高校教师的教学能力已成为必然选择。  【关键词】应用型高校 应用型人才培养 教师教学能力  一、应用型人才代表了高等教育人才培养的重要方向  (一)中国经济转型对应用型人才提出更大需求  经过30多年的改革开放,中国到了经济发展方式转变的关键时期。实际上,国
【摘 要】目前随着改革开放、社会主义市场经济的深入发展,教学改革体现出时代的新特点,本着与时俱进的精神,高校思政课的改革也势在必行。为了更好地促进改革和发展,课程改革的目标我们要重新定位,要求思政课教师树立全新的教学思想,采用先进的教学手段和方式进行改革。因此,思想政治课不仅在课程的内容、体系和教材建设等方面重新进行了改革和调整,而且在教学方法上也进行了新的探索。只有这样,才能充分发挥出思想政治课
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【摘 要】小学阶段的学生在学习方面的自制力较差,在学习数学时,经常会被其他事物吸引。因此,小学数学教学中教师要关注学生的性格和学习特征,运用多种多样、具有趣味性的图片吸引学生的注意力,也要注重课堂教学的趣味性,及时优化自己的教学方式,积极使用具有趣味性的语言开展相应的活动,使枯燥的课堂变成探索奇妙的旅程,借此吸引学生的注意力,促使学生在乐趣中学到更多的知识。  【关键词】小学数学;趣味化教学;策略
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