世界地标 中国烙印

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  There are glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn.
  In his visit to Kazakhstan and Indonesia in 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative; in his keynote speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2019, he pointed out that countries should join hands to spread the seeds of cooperation, so as to enjoy the fruits of development.
  Over the six years, the Belt and Road has flourished and thrived, bearing countless fruits. The route is now dotted with well-designed buildings built by Chinese enterprises.
  Along the Belt and Road, Chinese builders have erected Brazzaville Sports Centre, Colombo Lotus Tower, Chinese Trade Center in Moscow, new Algiers Airport, Cambodian National Stadium…to name a few. These premium buildings and projects exist as world landmarks built by Chinese builders and enterprises, all bearing the hallmark of China. These marvelous Chinese projects have made for a fine scroll of elaborate-style painting; these high-rise world landmarks lighten a sunshine road to universal development; the Chinese hallmark underlines a magnificent picture of people-to-people bonds.
  World landmark, Chinese brand; fruits of cooperation shared by the whole world.


  Brazzaville Sports Centre
  4年前,在刚果(布)首都布拉柴维尔体育中心,第11 届非运会成功举办。体育中心由中国建筑股份有限公司承建,設计以太阳为灵感,利用场地高差变化,创造出金色荣耀般的空间层次。体育中心拥有座位超过72200个,为非洲第二大体育场。这座屹立在刚果河畔的“金太阳”,将中国建筑的奇迹深深“镌刻”在了广袤的非洲大地上。

布拉柴维尔体育中心Brazzaville Sports Centre(本版图片/新华社 供图)

  In the capital of the Republic of the Congo, Brazzaville Sports Centre was the venue for the 11th African Games held 4 years ago. It was undertaken by China State Construction Engineering Corporation. Designers took inspiration from the sun, and created a golden space by taking advantage the altitude difference. Equipped with 72,200-plus seats, it is the second largest stadium in Africa. Along the Congo River, the “golden sun” highlights a wonder of Chinese architecture on the land of Africa.

科倫坡莲花电视塔Colombo Lotus Tower


  Colombo Lotus Tower

科伦坡莲花电视塔内的旋转餐厅The revolving restaurant inside the Colombo Lotus Tower,

  It is an important cooperation project of China and Sri Lanka in the development of the Belt and Road. It is contracted by China National Electronics Import & Export Corporation (CEIEC). With a height of 350 meters, it is the highest TV power in South Asia. The Lotus Tower will not only function as a TV tower sending signal and providing communication service, but also offer services like catering, accommodation, shopping, and sightseeing.

莫斯科中国贸易中心Chinese Trade Center in Moscow


  Chinese Trade Center in Moscow
  Chinese Trade Center in Moscow is a signature project of the pragmatic China-Russia cooperation, and also a flagship project for the strategic integration between the Belt and Road and Eurasian Economic Union. Situated in northeast of Moscow, Chinese Trade Center covers an area of 6.7 hectares and has a building area of 120,000 square meters. It is funded by China Huaming International Investment Co., Ltd. and constructed by China State Construction Engineering Corporation. It is a complex featuring five-star hotels, class-A office building, apartment, convention and exhibition center, and Chinese garden. In 2017, it reaped the first place of Moscow City Quality Engineering Award.


  New Algiers Airport
  On April 29, the Algerian government and its people were excited and full of anticipation to see that new Algiers Airport, the largest airport in African, was put into operation. As a 4F-class airport, the new Algiers Airport is a turn-key project coundertaken by CSCEC Algeria and China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Capable of handling 10 million trips each year, the aviation hub in North Africa will boost local economy, culture and tourism.

上圖:阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔新机场外观Up: Outlook of the new Algiers Airport

下图:一位建设者正在新机场项目现场施工Down: A staff is working at the construction site of the new airport


  Cambodian National Stadium

7月29日,洪森首相在柬埔寨国家体育场看台落成仪式上发表讲话On July 29, Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen delivers his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the stand of the Cambodian National Stadium


柬埔寨国家体育场建设工地The construction site of the Cambodian National Stadium0(本版图片/新华社 供图)

  In the north of Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia, the construction of Cambodian National Stadium is well underway. On July 29, Hun Sen, the Prime Ministers of Cambodia, and Wang Wentian, Chinese ambassador to Cambodia, presided over the inauguration ceremony of the Stadium’s spectators stand. It represents a fruit of Cambodia-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and China-Cambodia cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road, said Hun Sen at the ceremony. With a total building area of over 80,000 square meters, the main stadium can accommodate 60,000 spectators. The sailboat-shaped structure features a simple, modern style that combines Cambodia’s traditional culture. It will exist as a landmark highlighting the people-to-people bond between the two countries.
“像西天取经一样充满了曲折。”这是笔者2017年率外交部南亚宣讲团在尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、阿富汗三国宣讲“一带一路”的切身感受。  从巴基斯坦飞往邻国阿富汗,却要到迪拜转机,中转时间长达10个小时,几天才会有一趟直飞航班。南亚的很多国家即便是邻国也缺少互联互通,交通非常不方便。非洲也是一样的情况,不少邻国间没有航班,甚至没有公路和铁路连接。去一个非洲邻国,有时需要先飞去巴黎再转机回到非洲。  俗话说“
中国农業大学博士研究生,东中西部区域发展和改革研究院研究员  摘要:习近平主席提出的“一带一路”倡议是我国国际发展合作的靓丽“名片”,其中以基础设施投资和建设最具特色,2015年底成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称“亚投行”)也成为配合这一倡议实施的重要融资平台。但是,亚投行的成立和“一带一路”建设也受到了西方一些人士无端的非议。如何在国际发展体系中精准认识这种非议,从而更好地推进“带一路”基础设施
2018年11月19日2時7分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭(及远征一号上面级),以“一箭双星”方式成功发射第四十二、四十三颗北斗导航卫星,这两颗卫星属于中圆地球轨道卫星,是我国北斗三号系统第十八、十九颗组网卫星。北斗三号向“一带一路”国家和地区提供基本导航服务,迈出从国内走向国际、从区域走向全球“三步走”战略的“关键一步”。  北斗之路,来之不易。从奋起追赶到并跑超越,中国北斗人在
正在建设中的卡洛特水电站主厂房The main plant of Karot Hydroelectric Power Station under construction(彭纳 摄)  7月末的巴基斯坦进入了雨季。清晨,位于旁遮普省的卡洛特水电站项目营地上空黑云压顶,暴雨如注。即使是这样恶劣的天气,水电站建设现场仍然是一片繁忙的景象。主厂房正处在紧张的施工阶段,中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司(以下
2018年12月14日,2018“一帶一路”国际创新论坛在北京举行。本届论坛主题为——“一带一路”开放·创新·机遇。以此与政商学各界共探推进开放与创新所带来的发展新机遇。  为全面、深入、准确总结““_带一路”建设过程中在各个领域取得的阶段性成果,为后续建设推进提供借鉴,“‘一带一路’建设创新案例征集”活动广泛向社会各界征集了五年来六大领域的“一带一路”建设创新案例。会上,2018“一带一路”建设
“一帶一路”倡议提出5年来,中央企业对外投资合作发展迅速,呈现出主体结构更趋合理、区域范围不断拓展、涉足领域日趋多元、“走出去”模式日益深化等特点。  参与“一带一路”建设,不仅加快了中央企业“走出去”的步伐,也使中央企业在国际化进程中稳步成长、日益成熟。  5年来,中央企业积极参与“一带一路”建设,按照市场化原则,充分发挥技术、管理和资金优势,与“一带一路”沿线国家在基础设施建设、能源资源开发、
北京妙應寺,一座通体雪白的佛塔高高耸立,这座充满异域风情的佛塔建于公元1279年,是我国现存年代最早、规模最大的喇嘛塔。主持修建者是来自尼波罗国(今尼泊尔)的著名工艺家阿尼哥。  再往上追溯,早在2000多年前,四川的丝绸和盐茶,就通过丝绸之路运往尼泊尔等南亚各国。而今,中尼建交63年来,两国的传统友谊和友好合作不断发展。  2018年6月,尼泊尔总理奥利访华时谈道,"希望通过发展跨境互联互通,从
吉爾吉特地区美丽的雪山Beautiful snow mountains in Gilgit(彭纳 摄)  从中国新疆喀什出发,经中巴边境红其拉甫口岸从巴基斯坦北部进入巴国,一路穿越高山峡谷、平原丘陵、戈壁荒漠,最后到达南部的瓜达尔港,直通阿拉伯海。这条从喀什到瓜达尔港的经济大动脉,加强了中巴两国互联互通,进一步深化了中巴全天候战略合作伙伴关系,这就是2013年中巴经济走廊提出的重要战略设想。  如
12月的北方已进入寒冬,凛冽的北风将树梢间的残叶刮落,北京怀柔区城北8公里处的燕山脚下,一池雁栖湖水被这北风带起涟漪阵阵,而满湖的冬8则在涟漪中被“剪”成了一池波光粼粼。雁栖湖因每年春秋两季常有成群大雁来此栖息,故而得名,2017年,随着大雁来此的,是参加“一带一路"国际高峰论坛的各国领导人。  汉唐飞扬聚众贤  一踏上雁栖湖中65万平方米的雁栖岛,汉唐风格的国际会议中心便“飞”入眼中,向天空延展