为了解食物中农药污染的现状,对山西省韭菜中农药残留进行了抽样检测,共抽取韭菜样品110个,用NY/T761—2008、GB/T 19648—2006、GB/T 20769—2008和GB/T 5009.147—2003方法检测,用GB 2763—2014判定。经检测,超标样品21个,超标率19.1%,高于外省的抽样检测结果。检测结果表明,韭菜质量安全状况还需要进一步加强,需要引起有关部门的重视。
In order to understand the status quo of pesticide contamination in food, the pesticide residues in leeks of Shanxi Province were sampled and tested, 110 samples of leeks were collected, with NY / T761-2008, GB / T 19648-2006, GB / T 20769-2008 and GB / T 5009.147-2003 method testing, with GB 2763-2014 judgment. After testing, exceeding the sample 21, exceeding the rate of 19.1%, higher than the provincial sample test results. Test results show that the status of chives quality and safety needs to be further strengthened, the need for the attention of relevant departments.