据本刊发行部最新统计,《辅导员》杂志征订数排在全国前七名的省,多属于东部和沿海省份。占全国征订量的50%;后七名的省,基本集中于中西部省份,只占全国征订量的5%。全国订阅空白县达942个,空白校达38万所,这种情况正影响着广大辅导员素质的提高,阻碍着少先队工作的发展。 虽然,每个学校只要为辅导员订阅一至二份《辅导员》杂志(每份全年93.6元),就能让全校的辅导员了解全国少先队工作动态,强化辅导员工作技能,但西部及贫困地区的领导和校长们却苦于教学经费严重不足而无法落实。
According to the latest statistics released by our magazine, the number of “Counselors” magazine subscriptions ranks the top seven in the country, mostly in the eastern and coastal provinces. Accounting for 50% of the nationwide requisition; the latter seven provinces are basically concentrated in the central and western provinces, accounting for only 5% of the nationwide subscription. The number of blank subscribers in the country reached 942 and the number of blank schools reached 380,000. This situation is affecting the improvement of the quality of general counselors and hindering the development of Young Pioneers. Although each school can subscribe to one or two Counselors magazines (each for 93.6 yuan per year) for the counselors, the counselors in the school can understand the work of the National Young Pioneers and strengthen the skills of the counselors. However, the western and impoverished Regional leaders and principals suffer from a serious lack of funding for teaching.