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今年2月13日,中国人民解放军总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部联合召开大会。通报表彰了在全军决算审计、财务管理工作中作出突出成绩的84个先进单位和120名先进个人。受表彰的决算审计工作先进单位的共同特点是:党委高度重视,组织指导有力,问题暴露充分,整改成果显著。广大指战员反映良好。财务管理先进单位的共同经验是:认真贯彻财经方针、政策,重大经费开支项目党委集体决策,坚持“一支笔”审批制度;坚持把预算内、预算外经费、生产经营收益和库存物资捆在一起统筹安排,实行综合计划管理;坚持依法理财;积极为连队和基层服务;注重财会队伍建设。先进个人的共同特点是:坚持原则好;执行政策好;完成任务好;遵守纪律好。这些为提高军事经济效益作出贡献的单位和个人是: February 13 this year, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters, General Political Department, General Logistics Department jointly convened a meeting. The circular honors 84 advanced units and 120 advanced individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the audit of the final accounts of the whole army and financial management. The commendable performance auditing work advanced unit common features are: Party attaches great importance to the organization and guidance, the full disclosure of the problem, the rectification results. The majority of officers and men reflect well. The common experience of the advanced units in financial management is that they conscientiously implement the collective policy decisions of the Party committees on financial policies, policies and major expenditures and expenditures and adhere to the examination and approval system of “one pen.” We must adhere to the principle of examining and approving the budget, extra-budgetary funds, production and management profits, Tied together to make overall arrangements for the implementation of integrated planning management; adhere to financial management according to law; actively for the company and the grassroots service; pay attention to the building of the accounting team. Common characteristics of advanced individuals are: upholding the principle of good; implementation of the policy is good; to complete the task; good discipline. These units and individuals that contribute to the enhancement of military economic benefits are:
摘 要:本文从知识内容方面,通过实例简要分析了当前中学数学与高等数学的衔接状况,可以看出,二者的衔接已经相对完善,但进一步加强中学数学与高等数学之间的衔接,既有利于培养学生的数学素养和数学潜能,又能使教育者更好地构建知识层次,提高教育教学质量。  关键词:中学数学;高等数学;衔接  中学数学是高等数学的基础,高等数学是中学数学的发展,二者在知识内容方面有不同程度的衔接,笔者谈谈自己对中学数学与高等
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