The “Circular of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Transitional Plan for Dividing Value-Added Tax Revenue Between the Central Government and Local Government after Pilotly Expanding the Reform Project” put forward the reform proposal that the VAT should be divided into “five or five percentages” between the central government and local governments. This article attempts to analyze the possible impact of the new scenario. The study found that under the new scheme, the actual percentage share of provinces and the growth rate of VAT revenue were negatively correlated with the proportion of tax rebates in 2014. On this basis, this paper simulates the actual share of local government under the condition of the growth rate of VAT, and discusses the impact of the new program on promoting the equalization of local financial resources. Finally, by analyzing the tax incentive mechanism under the new tax system, we find that local governments have incentives to encourage the development of the secondary industry, and then predict the implementation of the new program will lead to a new round of local government investment expansion, exacerbating the status of overcapacity.