Efficacy of polyphenolic ingredients of Chinese herbs in treating dyslipidemia of metabolic syndrome

来源 :结合医学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whuagnqn
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There is an increasing interest and popularity of Chinese herbal medicine worldwide, which is accompanied by increasing concs about its effectiveness and potential toxicity. Several ingredients, such as polyphenolic compounds berberine, flavonoids, and curcumin, have been studied extensively by using various animal models. Effectiveness of treatment and amelioration of metabolic syndromes, including insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, has been demonstrated. This review summarizes the major checkpoints and contributing factors in regulation of exogenous and endogenous lipid metabolism, with particular emphasis centered on triglyceride-rich and cholesterol-rich lipoproteins. Available experimental evidence demonstrating the lipid-lowering effect of berberine, lfavonoids and curcumin in cell culture and animal models is compiled, and the strengths and shortcomings of experimental designs in these studies are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: Ulcerative colitis is a chronically recurrent infl ammatory bowel disease of unknown origin. In the present study, the effect of ginger(rhizome of Zi
一天深夜我正在医院值班,急诊室的门突然被撞开了,冲进来一位年轻女子。定睛一看,竟是邻居阿平。“大姐,您快给看看,我家大伟怎么突然双腿动不了了。”阿平惊慌失措地对我说。“别慌别慌,我来查查。”我一面安慰她,一面给大伟检查。  昨日里还是生龙活虎的大伟,今日却静静地躺在担架上。  “抬抬腿。”我“命令”他。  “抬不起来。一点都动不了。”他说。  “胳膊呢?”  “胳膊稍微能动一点。”他艰难地抬了一下
Objective To explore a corresponding model that would bridge the gap between the practice of clinical teaching of nursing students in clinical settings in China
[自测]    对下列各题做出“是”或“否”的回答。  是 否    1.你头痛时,会感到头脑中有许多不必要的想法或字句盘旋。 □ □  2.你的记性不好。 □ □  3.你总担心自己的衣饰不够整齐。 □ □  4.你总感到难以完成任务。 □ □  5.你做事必须做得很慢,以保证做得正确。 □ □  6.你做事必须反复检查。 □ □  7.你很难做出决定。 □ □  8.你觉得自己的脑子变空了。 
For thousands of years, moxibustion has been used for various diseases in China and other Asian countries. Despite the recent surge in Chinese herbal studies, f