近年来,免疫系统区室化(compartmentalization of immune system)的概念逐渐引起了人们的重视。对各类免疫及非免疫器官中的免疫区室化现象进行深入研究,有助于进一步了解机体免疫系统、免疫应答以及免疫相关疾病的发病机制,并可提供新的应对策略。上皮细胞体内广泛分布,承载机体多种重要生理功能。它作为免疫防御首道防线参与免疫系统区室化形成,并在免疫反应局部微环境中,既可与免疫细胞相互作用发挥固有免疫调节作用,亦可通过自身转分化调节后续适应性免疫应答,在抵御及清除病原体入侵、调控局部炎症免疫反应以及促进组织损伤修复中,发挥了不可或缺的重要作用。病理状态下,上皮细胞又可能是免疫稳态失衡甚或肿瘤发生发展的关键因素。结合免疫系统区室化,对上皮细胞在局部微环境中的免疫调节作用作一综述,为免疫相关疾病的研究以及临床诊疗提供新的思路和策略。
In recent years, the concept of the compartmentalization of immune system gradually attracts people’s attention. In-depth study of immune compartmentalization in various immune and non-immune organs will help to further understand the pathogenesis of the immune system, immune response and immune-related diseases in the body and may provide new coping strategies. Epithelial cells widely distributed in the body, carrying a variety of important physiological functions. It acts as the first line of defense against immune defense and participates in the formation of the immune system. In the local microenvironment of immune response, it plays an inherent immunomodulatory role in interaction with immune cells. It can also regulate subsequent adaptive immune responses through its own transdifferentiation, It plays an indispensable and important role in resisting and eliminating pathogen invasion, regulating local inflammatory and immune responses and promoting tissue damage repair. Under pathological conditions, epithelial cells may be the key factors of immune homeostasis or tumor development. Combined with the compartmentalization of the immune system, the immunomodulatory effects of epithelial cells in the local microenvironment are reviewed, providing new ideas and strategies for the study of immune-related diseases and clinical diagnosis and treatment.