“A lot of our reasoning about social and psychological changes correctly depicts a picture of a person in a relatively static society, but it is not comprehensive and distorted in terms of depicting real modern people. Such reasoning does not The fundamental difference between the present and the past and the future—this difference can be summed up in the word ’transient’.”—Alvin Toffe Tofler’s remarks also apply to “provisional exhibitions. “Architecture”, “temporary” derived concepts derived from temporary exhibition buildings, such as: prefabrication, assembly, lightening, multi-functionality, flexibility, etc., and foretelling that their spatial forms will have different meanings. Breakthrough features. Paxton’s “Crystal Palace” (Figure 1) as the first large-scale temporary exhibition building, appeared in the 1st International Exhibition in London, England in 1851, and became the pioneer of the 19th century exposition architectural space form. The older, majestic and elegant exterior bricks with closed and conservative interiors, the prefabricated iron and glass, and the fabricated construction method, the bright and transparent interior Space created the iron and glass, a miracle of speed and dexterity. As early as 1806, in the Ettingham Park in Schropsch, Johann Nachsch used iron and glass to crown a gallery. It formed a “greenhouse building.” The pattern. "Water