“Political Correctness” Implication in Addressing Translation

来源 :中国校外教育·理论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:radar14015
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  Abstract:In America, the 1960s’ Civil Rights Movement brought forth a new trend of thought: Political Correctness (PC). The use of PC language is far beyond a single linguistic matter. This paper explores the implication on translation transition in addressing from the semantic perspective and Systemic Functional Linguistics, and finds out the significant cause-that is, the principle of PC pushing behind.
  Keywords:political correctness translation transition addressing
  1 Introduction
  In recent two decades, changes occurred to certain addressing, for instance, physically challenged was replaced by the handicapped/ the disabled; mentally challenged by the lunatic/ the insane; financially challenged by the deprived/ the less well off; visually challenged by the blind; follically challenged by the bald; and those offensive language such as Oriental, Asiatic, Chinks, Kikes, Dagos, Polack, Jap were also replaced by Asian, Chinese American, Jewish American, Italian American, Polish American, and Japanese American.
  Why did such changes happen? This paper, selecting one pair out of those addressing-physically challenged vs. the disabled, traces the fact from perspectives of Semantics and .
  2 Discussion
  2.1From Semantic Perspective
  According to G. Leech in his Semantics, “It is “denotative" in that it is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to. Philosophers use connotation, opposite to denotation, to mean the properties of the entity a word denotes. And affective meaning is what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/ writer."
  As explained in Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Extended Fourth Edition), the term "disabled" in its denotative meaning, means "unable to do something, esp. by making a limb or limbs useless"/ "suffering from a serious physical or mental disability". Meanwhile, its connotative meaning conveys the fact that this kind of people are already not able to do something, esp. the kinds of things which should be done/ made by a limb, and they have already lost the ability desperately. As this connotation conveys some kind of "not able" it totally desperate the dream of "able" without care and consideration of the feelings of the target person it refers to, and this will affect the affection of the person involved. From the affective angle, the speaker/ writer can be assumed to be very passionless and objective to the target person this term refers to, and seems to have less sympathy. While the word challenge, in denotation, means "test the ability of (sb); stimulate" so that "the physically challenged" refers to the kind of people who are tested or stimulated in physical. The connotation of it conveys that the person involved is just demanded or tested by physical capability, but not received the ruthless verdict of “not able” and this, to large extent, offers a sort of comfort and consideration to the target person it refers to. From the affective angle, this type of addressing is more humane, with more sympathy to people’s feeling.
[摘要] 高职应用日语专业以培养高等技术应用型、职业型专门人才为目标,在教学过程中教师必须注重专业技能的实训。本文以语言实训为着眼点,详细分析和探讨语言实训在专业基础课程、学生校园活动的尝试,并探讨和分析语言实训在见习、实习、贴近求职就业过程中的落实。  [关键词] 高职教育 应用日语 语言实训    应用日语专业是宁波教育学院外语与经贸学院根据社会就业需求和小语种发展前景设置的一门注重语言综合素
【摘要】随着计算机技术的应用普及,整个世界正步入信息时代,“计算机应用能力”已成为大学生知识和能力结构的重要组成部分。但随着计算机普及教育的深入发展,计算机基础教学面临着一些突出的问题。本文对高职计算机基础教学模式进行了探索与思考。  【关键词】高职 计算机基础 教学模式    一、引言    随着计算机技术的应用普及,整个世界正步入信息时代,“计算机应用能力”已成为大学生知识和能力结构的重要组成