国产LXF-1型连续血细胞分离器,其管道和离心器清洗、消毒、热源处理因尚无良好的处理方法,影响了使用,经我们试验及临床实践改进如下。 管道:(1)机器配套的聚氯乙烯管换成乳胶管。(2)将乳胶管、针头、滤网、胶帽、接头放入0.2%氢氧化钠溶液内煮沸15分钟。(3)取出上述物品用自来水冲洗3分钟,乳胶管揉搓后自来水冲洗3分钟,再用新鲜蒸馏水冲洗浸泡3次。 玻璃管处理:(1)玻璃计滴器和玻璃接头自来水冲洗干净放入清洁液内浸泡4~6小时。(2)从清洁液内取出上述物品,自来水冲洗5分钟再用新鲜蒸馏水浸泡3次。
Domestic LXF-1 continuous blood cell separator, its pipeline and centrifuge cleaning, disinfection, heat treatment because there is no good treatment, affecting the use of our experiments and clinical practice improvements are as follows. Pipeline: (1) the machine matching PVC pipe into a latex tube. (2) The latex tube, needles, filters, plastic caps, joints into 0.2% sodium hydroxide solution and boil for 15 minutes. (3) Remove the above items washed with tap water for 3 minutes, rinsed the latex tube for 3 minutes after rinsing, and then soaked in fresh distilled water 3 times. Glass tube processing: (1) glass counter and glass fittings tap clean water into the cleaning fluid soak for 4 to 6 hours. (2) Remove the above items from the cleaning solution, rinse tap water for 5 minutes and then soak in fresh distilled water 3 times.