In this paper, a new method of ultracentrifugation of VLDL by density gradient centrifugation and the analysis of isoelectric focusing were used to determine the polymorphism of Apo-E gene in 95 Chinese and its phenotype distribution and blood lipid levels. The trend of phenotypic distribution was consistent with the foreign reports: E_3 / E_3 had the highest frequency, E_3 / E_2 and E_3 / E_4 followed by E_4 / E_4, E_4 / E_2 and E_2 / E_2. In the same cohort, the percentage of E_3 / E_3 phenotypes in Chinese population was significantly higher than in Western populations, but no E_2 / E_2 phenotype was found. This characteristic of Apo-E phenotype distribution in Chinese population may be related to the lower prevalence of coronary heart disease in Chinese population than in western population. Serum lipids measurement and analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the level of blood lipids between populations with different phenotypes.