Horkang Soinam Benba in My Eyes

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I got to know Horkang Soinam Benba in the winter of 1956.I had just graduated from university and had the pleasure of accompanyinga Tibet study team, organized by the Committee for Ethnic Affairs of the National People’s Congress and led by Professor Li Youyi. Our goal was to inspect the conditions of Tibetan music. While I was collating and recording the ancient Tibetan Langma singing and dancing, the prominent Langma folk artist, Ngamari, advised me to work I got to know Horkang Soinam Benba in the winter of 1956. I had just graduated from university and had the pleasure of accompanyinga Tibet study team, organized by the Committee for Ethnic Affairs of the National People’s Congress and led by Professor Li Youyi. Our goal was to inspect the conditions of Tibetan music. While I was collating and recording the ancient Tibetan Langma singing and dancing, the prominent Langma folk artist, Ngamari, advised me to work
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