
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcl929156
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物理是初中学生需要学习的基础学科,更是学生向外界相关自然现象进行学习的重要方式。邓小平于1985年提出的“教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的新型教育观在当下看来仍具有重要的借鉴意义,初中物理教育应当是教师的教学与学生的学习相结合的,培养初中生对学习物理的良好兴趣不仅需要教师理念的改革,将“教改”的新理念在各个环节进行渗透。笔者通过对现代初中物理教学中存在失误的方面进行分析,结合多年教学经验,得出培养初中生良好学习兴趣的结论,以供教育工作者借鉴。 Physics is a basic discipline that junior high school students need to learn, but also an important way for students to learn from the natural phenomena related to the outside world. Deng Xiaoping proposed in 1985 that “education should be oriented towards modernization, facing the world and the future” is still of great significance in the present moment. Physics education in junior middle schools should be a combination of teacher’s teaching and student’s learning To cultivate the good interest of junior high school students in studying physics not only needs the reform of teachers’ ideas, but also permeates the new concept of “teaching reform” in all aspects. By analyzing some mistakes in modern junior high school physics teaching, combining with many years of teaching experience, the author draws the conclusion that there is a good interest in learning for middle school students, which can be borrowed by educators.
目的对西格列汀的合成工艺进行改进。方法以2,4,5-三氟苯乙酸为原料,经亲核取代、环化、氢化、Na BH4还原反应,并进行拆分优化。结果制得的西格列汀光学纯度高于98%、总收率3