This article presents animal experiments that give different results for young and adult rabbits after resection of varying amounts of septal vaults and also describes the consequences of septal and facial bony structures in children and young adults when they are damaged. On the fourth postoperative day, the nasal growth slowed down, the relationship between the incisal edge (occlusal occlusion) and the overcropping of the incisor appeared in the young growing rabbits after removal of the septal volar region and / or a large amount of septal cartilage. Experimental animals after death compared with the control group, we can see the experimental group of short nose, severe mandibular jaw deformity, nasal bone and less incisors, deformity and severity roughly with resection of septal cartilage, animal removal Age and postoperative observation of the length of time may be. Such as resecting a small amount of septal cartilage, nose, tooth deformity lighter; the septal cartilage