近日,作为世界十大零售商之一的奥乐齐(ALDI)任命上海奥美为其合作伙伴,助力其进军中国市场。据悉,备受关注的奥乐齐将在天猫国际开设官方旗舰店,而奥美将全面负责奥乐齐的品牌战略和市场整合传播。谈到与奥美的合作伙伴关系,奥乐齐中国区执行总裁魏客礼(Christoph Schwaiger)先生表示:“我们对于进驻中国有着远大的抱负,也充分意识到在这个庞大
Recently, ALDI, one of the world’s top ten retailers, appointed Shanghai Ogilvy as its partner to help it enter the Chinese market. It is reported that the much-anticipated Austrian music Qi will open an official flagship store in Lynx International, and Ogilvy & Mather will be fully responsible for the Austrian music brand strategy and market integration. Speaking of the partnership with Ogilvy & Mather, Mr. Christoph Schwaiger, CEO of Oerlikon China, said: ”We have a great ambition to enter China and are fully aware that in this huge