西兰苔是芥兰和西兰花的杂交品种,富含蛋白质,维生素、花青素和矿物质等多种营养成分,并具有健胃、抗癌的功效。寿光当地菜农经多年的实践,开发出了一套完整的西兰苔种植技术,每667m2产量可达2 000kg,收益可达6万元,为当地农户带来了经济效益。现从品种选择、播种育苗、整地施肥、定植、田间管理、病虫害防治、采收几个方面进行了总结。
Zealand bluegrass is a cross between kale and broccoli, rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, anthocyanins and minerals, and has the functions of stomach-invigorating and anti-cancer. Shouguang local vegetable farmers after years of practice, developed a complete set of zealand cultivation technology, yield per 667m2 up to 2 000 kg, the proceeds up to 60,000 yuan, bringing economic benefits for local farmers. Now from the species selection, sowing seedlings, land preparation and fertilization, planting, field management, pest control, harvest several aspects were summarized.