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2014年,我国国内生产总值达636463亿元,其中,第三产业增加值306739亿元,占GDP比重达到48.2%,高出第二产业5.6个百分点,增速达8.1%,也快于第二产业的7.3%和第一产业的4.1%。标志着中国经济正式迈入“服务化”时代,意味着中国经济由工业主导向服务业主导加快转变。2014年中国经济最大亮点,就是经济结构得到优化,居民收入有所增长,就业形势保持稳定。而经济结构优化的最大明证就是服务业增速超过工业的同时,新增就业人口同步增加。 In 2014, China’s GDP reached 636,463 million yuan, of which, the added value of the tertiary industry was 30,673.9 billion yuan, accounting for 48.2% of the GDP, 5.6 percentage points higher than the secondary industry, and the growth rate was 8.1%, also faster than the 7.3% of the secondary industry and 4.1% of the primary industry. This marks the official entry of China’s economy into a “service-oriented” era, which means that China’s economy is driven by the transformation of the industrial master to the service industry. The biggest highlight of the Chinese economy in 2014 was that the economic structure was optimized, the income of residents increased, and the employment situation remained stable. The most obvious evidence for the optimization of the economic structure is that while the growth rate of the service industry exceeds that of industry, the number of newly-employed people has increased at the same time.
Sara runs a CD store at a university. I met her three years ago when she first came to Beijing, was a lead vocalist in a band and a CD peddler. I met her again
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