A Brief Analysis of Sexism in English Addressing

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1.Causes of Sexism in English Addressing With regard to the causes of sexism in English,It is believed that there are three pre-dominant factors attributing to that:religious psychology,social reason and cultural influence.1.1 Religious psychology In western culture,males are the in dominant place of the society whereas females are inferior,and its origin is rooted deeply in religion.According to the Holy Bible,woman was supposedly created from Adam’s rib.As Bible is the fountain of western culture,thus,man and woman are not equal at all because woman is only a part of man.Adam said about Eva,“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;she shall be called 1.Causes of Sexism in English Addressing With regard to the causes of sexism in English, It is believed that there are three pre-dominant factors attributing to that: religious psychology, social reason and cultural influence.1.1 Religious psychology In western culture, males are the in dominant place of the society while females are inferior, and its origin is rooted deeply in religion. According to the Holy Bible, woman was supposedly created from Adam’s rib .As Bible is the fountain of western culture, thus, man and woman are not equal at all because woman is only a part of man.Adam said about Eva, ”This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
【摘要】近年来,随和中国经济的崛起和世界地球村建设的不断加快,英语运用能力已经逐渐成为考核人才的重要标准之一。而中职学校由于其生源质量和教育模式等多方面的原因,英语教育一直是其弱项。  【关键词】合作教学 中职英语 解决方法  随着现代化社会建设进程的加快,我国经济也一年比一年发展迅速,而教育作为培养社会人才的最重要的方式以及国家壮大的必要因素,其受国家重视程度逐年递增。作为培养基层技术劳动人员最
【摘要】我国有关机构对高职英语课程体系进行了改革,此次改革致力于提高英语课堂教学的效率,改变固有的传统教学理想,将模块化教学融入到高职英语教学活动中,笔者着重分析了模块化教学的内容、技巧、落实条件在现实高职英语教学的运用。  【关键词】模块化英语教学 内容 技巧 高职英语教学  自我国加入世贸组织以后,我国与更多国家有了贸易关系,与其他国家的联系日趋频繁,英语专业越来越受到人们的注意。为了在未来的
初中生处在一个活泼好动的年龄阶段,这使得他们在课堂学习过程中,特别是在非母语的教学过程中,常出现所谓开小差的状况,这也是许多老师深恶痛绝的事情。  从心理学的角度看,所谓“开小差”其实涉及一个注意的稳定性问题。注意的稳定性,是指注意能够集中在一定对象上的持续时间。持续时间越长,注意的稳定性就越强,反之稳定性就差。个体注意稳定性的强弱,首先主要取决于个体有无坚定的目的,当个体为达到一定目的而把注意集
The 1960s of Sweden saw a highlighted trend—being international,which ideologically had a profound impact on Swedes.everyday life.Nevertheless,the more heterog
It is always said that a good teacher should be a good lecturer.He or she should at least master all the different methods of presenting a good presentation to
【摘要】近年来,英语教学规模在我国教学模式中出现了许多的形式,但是许多的教学模式忽视了语言的艺术性。许多人变成了为了语言而学语言。通常情况下在大学的教育体系下,学生需要学习多种领域的课程,一般情况下包括艺术,哲学,人文,科学等。学生根据自己的兴趣爱好再去接受一门课程进行专修。  【关键词】艺术类 英语教学 教学模式  艺术类学生具有一定的特殊性,我国艺术类院校外语教学学生的外语起点,基础差。由于我