目的:将标准化伤员(standardized wounded soldier, SWS)分级评价指标体系分别应用于我海军部队和海军院校,以检验其有效性。方法:培训15个海军部队的30名战士担任基础级SWS,培训1所海军院校的6名学员担任专业级SWS。将指标体系转换为理论试卷和调查问卷2个部分进行验证。采用方便抽样法,选取救护员、课程导师及SWS 3类人群作为调查对象。结果:试卷的信度和区分度较好,难度适中。调查问卷整体具有较好的信效度。学员担任的专业级SWS总体评价优于战士扮演的基础级SWS。结论:SWS分级评价指标体系适宜可行,为合理评价SWS模拟质量、提高我军实战化训练效果提供了依据,有利于SWS在军事医学模拟领域中的推广和应用。“,”Objective:To apply the standardized wounded soldier (SWS) grading evaluation indicator system in naval troops and naval colleges of China respectively to test its effectiveness.Methods:A total of 30 soldiers from 15 naval troops were trained as basic-level SWS, and 6 students from a naval college were trained as professional-level SWS. The indicator system was verified in the form of knowledge questionnaire and quality report. Convenience sampling was used to select medics, instructors and SWS as subjects for evaluation.Results:The reliability, discrimination and difficulty of the knowledge questionnaire were good, and the reliability and validity of quality report were good. The general evaluation of the professional-level SWS was better than that of the basic-level SWS.Conclusion:SWS grading evaluation indicator system is suitable and feasible for reasonably evaluating the simulation quality of SWS and stepping up CPLA military training in real combat condition, and is conducive to promoting the popularization and application of SWS in military medical simulation training.