始建于北魏中期,繁盛于西夏、元代,终结于明代——北元的阿尔寨石窟,位于内蒙古伊盟鄂托克旗阿尔巴斯苏木阿尔寨山,俗称“百眼窑”。现存洞窟62座,壁画百余幅。1994年9月22日,内蒙古社会科学院、文化厅、中央民族大学、内蒙古大学、内蒙古师大的四十余名领导和专家聚会青城,召开了“阿尔寨石窟佛教文化遗址研究课题汇报会”。中央民族大学额尔敦哈斯尔教授在会上汇报了他与自治区社科院、内蒙古大学、内蒙古师范大学组成的课题组,从1991年以来对阿尔寨石窟回鹘蒙文榜题的考察研究成果。其主要收获是:1 、已全部搞清阿尔寨石窟回鹘蒙文榜题的内容及其语言文字特点,共发表22篇论文。2、完成了《阿尔寨石窟回鹘蒙文铭文研究》专著,共20余万字。3、发现了属于北元时期的壁画洞窟2处,其中一窟绘于15世纪,另一窟约为1634年。4、搞清了阿尔寨石窟被焚毁的时间,大约是1634年,原因是林丹汗与鄂尔多斯右翼三万户的首领仁亲济农大规模的武装冲突。
Founded in the mid-Northern Wei Dynasty, prosperous in the Western Xia, Yuan Dynasty, the end of the Ming Dynasty - North yuan Arzhai caves, located in Inner Mongolia Yitong Etuokeqi Basu Alba Si Hau Muzhai, commonly known as “one hundred kiln.” There are 62 existing caves and over 100 frescoes. On September 22, 1994, more than 40 leaders and experts from the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences, the Department of Culture, the Central University for Nationalities, the Inner Mongolia University, and the Inner Mongolia Normal University gathered in Qingcheng to hold a “Report on the Research Project of the Archaic Grottoes Buddhist Cultural Relics” . Professor Erden Hassle of the Central University for Nationalities reported at the meeting his research group with the Autonomous Region Academy of Social Sciences, Inner Mongolia University and Inner Mongolia Normal University. Since 1991, . The main gains are: 1, has been fully understand Arzhai Caves Back to Mongolia Mongolian top of the list of topics and their language features, published a total of 22 papers. 2, completed the “Arzhai grottoes return 鹘 Meng inscriptions,” a monograph, a total of more than 20 words. 3, Found in the Northern Yuan Dynasty fresco cave 2, one cave painted in the 15th century, another cave is about 1634 years. 4, to find out that the Arzhai Caves were burned down in about 1634, due to large-scale armed conflicts between Lin Danhan and the leader of the 30,000 right-wing Ordos.