在很久很久以前,喜馬拉雅造山運動,使大量侏羅紀和三叠紀的砂巖下沖到泥盆紀的千枚巖之下,造山運動後期玄武巖漿的噴發,在地表形成玄武巖質熔巖流。造山運動及火山活動結束後,在熱帶氣候下迅速風化所形成土壤覆蓋在地勢低的玄武巖上,經過漫長的地質作用形成了今日含紅寶石的礦層和礦脈。 艱難的歷程造就了大自然中最美麗最鮮紅的珍貴寶石——紅寶。它鳩血般的鮮紅色,就象臺風到來前的晚霞,絢爛艷麗,風雨侵蝕、沉積,人工採掘,如切如磋,如琢如磨,放射着燦爛的光輝,呈現璀璨和永恆。而人世間美好的愛情又何曾不是如此。因此,紅寶被喻為“愛情之石”,并被定為七月份的誕生石。它象征着熱情似火,赤膽忠心,表達着愛情的美好、恒久、堅貞,帶給人們吉祥、福氣、活力和幸運。 愛情,人生永恒的主題,生命的主
A long, long time ago, the orogeny of the Himalayas pushed a large number of sandstones of the Jurassic and Triassic up to Devonian phyllites, and the eruption of basaltic magma in the late orogeny resulted in the formation of basaltic lava flow. After the orogeny and the volcanic activity ended, the soil formed by rapid weathering in tropical climates covered the low-lying basalts, forming the ruby-bearing deposits and veins of today through long geological processes. Tough journey created the most beautiful in nature, the most precious red precious stones - ruby. Its dazzling blood-red, just as the sunset before the arrival of the typhoon, gorgeous, storm erosion, sedimentation, artificial mining, such as cut off, such as cut as grinding, radiating a brilliant, showing bright and timeless. And the beautiful love in the world has never been the case. Therefore, the ruby has been hailed as the “stone of love” and was named the birthstone of July. It symbolizes passionate, bold and loyal, expressing the love of the beautiful, long-lasting, faithful, bring people good luck, blessing, vitality and luck. Love, the eternal theme of life, the Lord of life