1 1989年10月24日。湖北咸宁铝业开发有限公司一间简陋的接待室里,等候已久的人们坐立不安,默念着:千万不要发生什么意外……偏偏在这个时候,由台湾投资方派往公司的总经理陈丰荣先生,从武汉到咸宁途中出了车祸,胳膊被撞成三截。严重的骨折,迫使他住进了医院。这是陈丰荣第一次到咸宁来,与同事商洽公司筹建事宜。他们要创办的是咸宁地区第一家台资企业,也是湖北省屈指可数的铝型材深加工企业,总投资1000万美元。可是,海峡两岸的企业家,在咸宁这块红土地上的第一次握手,只好在病榻之前。医院提供了最好的医生,最好的护理。三个星期后,陈丰荣还没有痊愈,匆匆飞回台湾。时光茬苒,有人以为他“黄鹤一去”;然而,这个倔强精明的生意人,突然从台湾回到咸宁,雄心勃勃,要在这里干一番事业。
1 October 24, 1989. In a humble reception room of Hubei Xianning Aluminum Industry Development Co., Ltd., the people who have been waiting for a long time are restless and silent: Do not accidentally happen... At this time, Mr. Chen Fengrong, general manager of the Taiwanese investor sent to the company , From Wuhan to Xianning on the way out of a car accident, the arm was hit into three cuts. Severe fractures forced him to stay in hospital. This is the first time that Chen Fengrong has come to Xianning to negotiate with the company about the preparation of the company. They are the first Taiwan-funded enterprises to establish in Xianning District, and they are also among the deepest aluminum processing enterprises in Hubei Province with a total investment of US$10 million. However, entrepreneurs on both sides of the strait had to shake hands on the red land in Xianning for the first time. The hospital provides the best doctors, the best care. Three weeks later, Chen Fengrong had not recovered and hurried back to Taiwan. Time flies, some people think that he “Huang He went”; However, this stubborn and shrewd businessman, suddenly returned from Taiwan to Xianning, ambitious, to do something here.