发挥企业优势 创出拳头产品

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一、巩固发展拳头产品,以质量创信誉。在多种经营发展上,我们根据自己的实力和可能,注意做到完成一个项目,尽快投产,形成能力,发挥效益。如氧气瓶厂建成的头几年,只产钢瓶体,附件外委加工,打开销路以后,逐年增添设备,使瓶箍、底座、针阀等全部自产配套,成为全国最大的管制无缝钢瓶生产厂兼生产一、二、三类压力容器,形成盛装17种介质的“金盾牌”钢瓶系列产品,数量上从最初的年产4万只发展到8万只。连年获部优省优称号,并打进国际市场创造外汇。在此基础上,1986年开发节能和改良环保条件的溶解乙炔气,建成年产50万 m~3的乙炔车间,去年又建成年产20万只钢瓶坯分厂,生产冲拨拉伸钢质无缝气瓶,增添了一个新品种,1988年以生产压力容器的条件,开发了400—800 First, consolidate and develop competitive products, and create credibility with quality. In terms of diversified business development, according to our own strength and potential, we must pay attention to the completion of a project, put it into production as soon as possible, form a capacity, and play a profit. For example, in the first few years after the completion of the oxygen cylinder plant, only steel cylinders and external accessories were processed, and after the sales were opened, equipment was added year after year to make bottle collars, pedestals, needle valves and other self-produced kits, becoming the largest controlled seamless steel cylinder in the country. The production plant produces pressure vessels of types I, II, and III, and forms a series of “Golden Shield” cylinders containing 17 types of media. The number of vessels has grown from the initial annual output of 40,000 to 80,000. In recent years, it has been awarded the title of Ministry of Excellence, and has entered the international market to create foreign exchange. Based on this, in 1986, dissolved acetylene gas was developed to improve energy efficiency and environmental protection conditions, an acetylene plant with an annual output of 500,000 m 3 was built, and an annual output of 200,000 steel preform plants was established last year to produce tensile steel. Seamless gas cylinders, adding a new variety, in 1988 to develop pressure vessels, developed 400-800
陕西省石化厅于1990年3月5~7日在宝鸡召开了全省石油化工环保工作会议。厅直属企业、部分重点企事业单位、部分地市石油化工主管部门的76名代表出席了会议。 Shaanxi Provin
美国黄金研究所(Gold Institute)已与60个国家的297个黄金生产厂家建立了合作关系,该所最近发表了一份报告,公布了全世界地下和露天砂金矿1988年和1989年的黄金产量及1990年