
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengshisanren
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菊花在我国从南到北无处不有。然而,对于地处北方的黑龙江省来说,南方的金秋季节,这里已是千里冰封。因此,黑龙江艺菊历来局限于室内盆植。由于人力、物力以及温室等条件的限制,黑龙江的菊花莳养和应用,迟迟得不到发展。 1986年以来,经哈尔滨师范大学生物系菊花课题组的研究,北国养菊取得了重要突破。在研究中发现,北方的环境条件虽然高寒,但春无梅雨之忧,夏少烂根之患,秋天天气凉爽,短日照又来得早,这些条件对莳养菊花来讲,都远远优越于南方炎热地区。课题组先后对上百种菊花的抗寒力进行反复试验和测定,结果表明:菊花的耐寒极限远非—10℃的定论。几年来,他们 Chrysanthemum in our country from south to north everywhere. However, for the Heilongjiang Province in the north, there is a tremendous freeze here in the southern autumn season. Therefore, Heilongjiang Art Ju has always been limited to indoor potted plants. Due to human, material and greenhouse conditions, the cultivation and application of chrysanthemums in Heilongjiang Province lasted undeveloped. Since 1986, the Department of Biology, Harbin Normal University chrysanthemum research group, the North achieved a major breakthrough Chrysanthemum. In the study, it was found that the northern environmental conditions alpine, but the spring without the worry of the rainy season, summer less rotten roots, the autumn weather is cool, short sunshine came earlier, these conditions are dwarfing chrysanthemum is far superior to Hot areas in the South. The research team has carried out repeated tests on the cold resistance of hundreds of chrysanthemums. The results show that the chilling tolerance of chrysanthemum is far from the conclusion of -10 ℃. In recent years, they
荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn)为无患子科荔枝属常绿乔木。高5~20米(野生荔枝有高达30米以上、胸径近2米、冠幅15米者),主干粗壮,树皮光滑,呈棕灰色,分枝很多,向四周均匀分布,
记得《家庭影院技术》杂志社早几年在北京配备视听设备时,花六、七万元人民币配置了一台DLP投影机,并撰文详细地介绍其原理和特点。由于这一价位远高于国内 I remember “H
泰勒(Trlare)是1个早实核桃新品种,1966年用特哈玛核桃(Tehama)为母本,希尔核桃(Serr)为父本杂交育成。 该品种树姿直立,生长势强。几乎所有的顶芽及75%的侧芽产生雌花。雌花
  Activation of PPARα has been demonstrated to inhibit tumor growth and angiogenesis,yet the mechanisms behind these actions remain to be elucidated.The pres