Patient, male, 66 years old. Six months ago found that the left mandibular body has a thumbnail size does not move lumps, painless progressive increase. Check: The general condition of the body is good. Chest radiograph visible in the upper part of the right lung 4.0 × 5.0cm size transmission shadow area. Oral see the left jaw body palpable 5.O × 4.5 × 3.0cm size was spherical tumor. Hard, clear border, no tenderness, no mobility, ipsilateral submandibular may lymph nodes. Oral: + _3 far to +7 near the buccal swelling, gingival cheek groove disappeared. + 34I ° loose, + 5678 no swelling of the tongue, the opening is normal. X-ray: the surface of the body X-ray film, the left side of the mandible see the edge of the clear as the bone-shaped bone defects shadows. About 2.0cm radius. Extremity bones and pelvis film no abnormal changes. Pathological diagnosis: plasma cell myeloma.