
来源 :当代外语研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LuYang
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前不久,某市作出规定,高考英语试卷的计分由150分减为100分。此后各省纷纷效法,推出类似新政。此举立刻受到热烈拥戴,网上一片叫好之声,几乎同时,不少人对英语大张挞伐。有英语误国之说;有英语无用之论;也有高考应取消英语的呼声。发表此类评论的人大多很有些文化,学历至少大学毕 Not long ago, a city made the provisions of the college entrance examination English score reduced from 150 points to 100 points. Since then, various provinces have followed suit and introduced similar new policies. The move was immediately warmly embraced by the internet, and at the same time, many people blame English. There are mistakes in English; There is no use of English theory; There are college entrance examination should cancel the voice. Most of the people who make such comments are quite literate and have at least one university education