一项新的研究报告称 β 淀粉样肽 (AN 1792 /布替君 )能减少老年痴呆症模型小鼠的学习和记忆丧失。研究者相信疫苗可以预防或延迟老年痴呆病人的症状。布替君是一种 4 2个氨基酸构成的 β 淀粉样肽 ,被Elan和AHP的Wyeth Ayerst公司共同发现。这种产品在英
A new study reported that beta-amyloid peptide (AN 1792 / butirate) reduces learning and memory loss in Alzheimer’s model mice. Researchers believe the vaccine can prevent or delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients. Butignuin is a beta-amyloid peptide consisting of 42 amino acids found jointly by Elan and Wyeth Ayerst of AHP. This product is in English