天士力创建于1 994年,是以大健康产业为主线,以大生物医药产业为核心,以健康保健产业、医疗健康服务产业为两翼的高科技国际化企业集团。秉承“追求天人合一,提高生命质量”的企业理念,以“创造健康,人人共享”为使命,致力于打造中药现代化、国际化品牌,大健康产业领航品牌。打造全产业链质量标准体系,走生态新型智能化工业道路,追求人与环境、企业与社会的和谐发展。天士力大健康六大核心产业板块,构筑集大生物医药产业、中药材产业、健康保健产业、医疗康复与健康管理服务产业、儿童教育文化与健康产业、国际化产业为一体的大健康产业航母。
Founded in 1994, Tasly is a high-tech international enterprise group focusing on the big health industry, the big biomedicine industry as the core, the health care industry and the health care service industry as two wings. Adhering to the “Pursuit of harmony between man and nature, improve the quality of life,” the corporate philosophy to “create health, everyone sharing” as its mission, to build a modern Chinese and international brands, big health industry pilot brand. To create the entire industry chain quality standards system, take the ecological new intelligent industrial road, the pursuit of people and the environment, business and social harmonious development. Tasly big health core six industry sectors, to build large biological medicine industry, Chinese herbal medicine industry, health care industry, medical rehabilitation and health management service industry, children’s education, culture and health industry, international industry as one of the health industry aircraft carrier.