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为庆祝中国美术馆建馆50周年,由中国美术馆举办的“与时代同行——中国美术馆建馆50周年藏品大展”于5月20日至7月15日在北京开展。本展览以“与时代同行”为主线,讲述了美术馆50年的发展历程,反映了中国美术百年的历史演变。该展览影响深广,参观人数众多,是中国美术馆近年来最重要的展览之一。浓缩中国百年美术史本次展出的660余幅作品是从美术馆10万多幅馆藏精品中精挑细选出来的,可谓是精品中的精品。作品包括中国画、油画、版画、雕塑、连环画、年画、漫画、宣传画、水彩画、装置、综合绘画等门类的作品,同时,展览还辅以珍贵的美术书刊和美术大事年表,来全面呈现20世纪中国美术发展的历史。本展览依托中国美术馆藏精品,在以往学术研究和展览陈列的基础上,进一步对馆藏品进行梳理,通过“传 To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the National Art Museum of China, the exhibition ”Collected with the Times - The 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the China Art Museum“ was held in Beijing from May 20 to July 15. The exhibition ”“ and the era counterparts ”as the main line, tells the history of the museum 50 years of development, reflecting the historical evolution of Chinese art centuries. The exhibition has a profound impact and a large number of visitors. It is one of the most important exhibitions of the National Art Museum of China in recent years. Concentration of China’s 100-year history of art This exhibition of more than 660 works from the museum more than 100,000 collections of fine selected carefully, can be described as boutique boutique. His works include works of Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, sculpture, comic strip, New Year paintings, comic books, posters, watercolor paintings, installations and comprehensive paintings. Meanwhile, the exhibition is complemented by precious art books and chronology of fine arts to present 20 The history of Chinese art development in the 21st century. Based on the exhibitions of previous academic studies and exhibitions, this exhibition relies on the collection of fine art collections in China,
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