用活支农再贷款 富农强社促发展

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去年以来,中国人民银行驻马店市中心支行结合辖内实际情况,充分运用支农再贷款这一货币政策工具,把管好、用活支农再贷款、支持农村经济发展作为货币信贷工作的重中之重,取得了良好的社会和经济效益,闯出了一条支农再贷款管理、使用的新路子。一、加强引导,疏通支农再贷 Since last year, the central branch of the People’s Bank of China in Zhumadian City has taken full advantage of the actual situation in its jurisdiction to make full use of the monetary policy tool of supporting agriculture and then repaying loans. Taking the management of loans, repaying loans by living and supporting farmers and supporting rural economic development as the priorities of monetary and credit work, Made good social and economic benefits, and broke a new way of management and use of supporting agriculture and then lending. First, to strengthen guidance and clear support for agriculture and then loan
文章介绍了一种采用单片接收芯片MICRF0 0 7和单片发射芯片MICRF10 2构成的DSP无线发送和接收通信系统。介绍了RS2 32串行通信总线标准接口和单片收发器的硬件接口电路 ,并就
NASA在1993年9月成功地发射了它的现代通信技术卫星(Advanced Communication Technology Satellite,ACTS)时,就开始了一项研究和试验课题……Ka-频带卫星通信系统。NASA Lew