USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用串行总线)从USB0.9到USB2.0,经历了5年的时间,由最初的默默无闻,到时下USB Modem广为流行,USB音箱干脆让声卡无地自容。此外鼠标、键盘、麦克风、游戏杆、HUB集线器、摄像头、数码相机、软驱、扫描仪、打印机、外置硬盘甚至显示器也加入到
USB (Universal Serial Bus, Universal Serial Bus) from USB0.9 to USB2.0, after five years, from the original obscurity, nowadays USB Modem popular, USB speakers simply let the sound card groundless. In addition, mice, keyboards, microphones, joysticks, HUB hubs, cameras, digital cameras, floppy drives, scanners, printers, external hard drives and even monitors are added