我们是如何寻找来洛尼亚的为了找到来洛尼亚国在世界上的位置,我和我弟弟花费了大量的时间。起初,我们询问所有的熟人:来洛尼亚在哪里? 没有人能回答。后来,我们竟揪住街上的生人,向他们提出这个问题。可是人人都耸耸肩膀说不知道。后来,我们就开始写信给各行各业的聪明人,因为这些人著书立说,当然必定是知道世界各国所在的位置的。他们都彬彬有礼地回信致歉说,真是爱莫能助,因为的的确确谁也不知道来洛尼亚是在什么地方。这件事耗费了我们许多时间,可是我们绝不认输。我们开始购买一切能买
How we looked for Lononia In order to find the Lonigny in the world, I spend a lot of time with my brother. At first, we asked all the acquaintances: Where is Leon? No one can answer. Later, we actually grabbed strangers on the street and asked them this question. But everyone shrugs and says do not know. Later, we began to write letters to wise people from all walks of life. As these people are writing books, they certainly must know where each country in the world is located. They all replied politely and apologized, saying that they really could not help because nobody really knew where Lonia was. It took us a lot of time, but we never give up. We started to buy everything we could buy