Using WF12440 hollow cylindrical torsional shear instrument, saturated original loess with low initial saturation was saturated by backpressure saturation method. The saturated liquefaction experiment of intact loess in interior was carried out. The effects of pore water pressure, axial strain , The development of stress-strain hysteresis loops. The results show that for the original intact loess with lower initial saturation, the pore pressure coefficient B value reaches more than 0.95 by the backpressure saturation method, that is, the soil sample is completely saturated. The pore pressure of liquefaction under Lanzhou loess consolidation under pressure consolidation conditions starts from the beginning When the axial strain is less than 2, the pore water pressure increases rapidly with a certain number of cycles until the effective confining pressure is reached. The stress-strain hysteresis changes with the increase of vibration frequency and the plasticity increases gradually. The pore pressure increases slowly; after this, the pore pressure increase rate increases, 3% strain can appear before the initial liquefaction; close to liquefaction bias stress is negative when the effective stress is greater than the positive value of the effective stress.