2005年9月30日的下午,我收到一封寄自英国的信,里面装的是我盼望以久的 ACCA 会员证书。回想起来,正是在6年前的9月,我拿到了第一本 ACCA 的教科书,开始了漫长的 ACCA 征程。期间的欢笑喜悦和迷茫困顿,一瞬间都交织在眼前,心绪久久不能平静。1999年的中国并没有现在这么多的证书可以考,而我当时在财经学校读书,所以比较早知道了 ACCA。现在看来当时决定考 ACCA 的原因是非常简单甚至肤浅的——能够在学
On the afternoon of September 30, 2005, I received a letter from the UK containing the ACCA membership certificate that I am looking forward to for a long time. In retrospect, it was 6 months ago in September, I got the first textbook of ACCA, began a long ACCA journey. During the joy of laughter and confusion, the moment are intertwined in the eyes, the mood for a long time can not be calm. In 1999, China did not have so many certificates to test, but I was studying in a finance school so I knew ACCA earlier. It now appears that the reason for deciding ACCA at the time was very simple and even superficial - to learn