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二次有机气溶胶(SOA)是指挥发性有机物在大气中发生光化学氧化进入到颗粒相的产物,由于其具有强烈的环境效应、气候效应和人体健康效应,因此成为大气化学研究的热点.然而由于SOA的复杂性和测量技术的限制,目前对SOA的研究还非常有限.总体来说,对SOA的研究手段主要有三种方法:实验室模拟、模式模拟和基于外场观测的SOA研究.由于SOA的研究非常广泛,本文仅综述了基于外场观测的SOA组成、来源和生成机制的研究,重点在于SOA组分的测量和总量的估算.基于外场观测的SOA研究是随着技术的发展而发展的,早期的研究仅仅能对SOA的少数物种进行测量,主要是一些有机酸和多羟基化合物;也有利用一些假设对SOA进行粗略的估算,如受体模型法、非生物质燃烧水溶性有机物法;随着SOA实验室模拟研究和示踪物测量技术的发展,二次有机示踪物法真正做到了对特定前体物VOC生成SOA的估算;随着在线测量技术的提高,EC示踪/CO示踪和OC/EC比值法和基于气溶胶质谱(AMS)-正交矩阵模型(PMF)的方法被广泛应用于SOA的估算.尤其是AMS-PMF联用方法的出现为SOA来源和生成机制的研究开拓了新的方向.对AMS技术和示踪物技术的进一步联合和开发有望成为未来SOA研究重要的方向. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is a product of the photochemical oxidation of volatile organic compounds into the granular phase in the atmosphere, which has become a hot topic in atmospheric chemistry due to its strong environmental, climatic and human health effects. However, Due to the complexity of SOA and the limitation of measurement technology, the research on SOA is very limited at present.Overall, there are three main approaches to SOA research: laboratory simulation, model simulation and SOA research based on field observation.As SOA , This paper only reviews the research on the composition, source and generation mechanism of SOA based on field observations, with emphasis on the measurement of SOA components and the estimation of the total amount.Study on SOA based on field observation has been developed with the development of technology . Earlier studies only measured a few species of SOA, mainly organic acids and polyols. Some assumptions were made about rough estimates of SOA, such as the receptor model approach, the non-biomass combustion of water-soluble organic compounds ; With SOA laboratory simulation studies and tracer measurement technology, the second organic tracer method really did a specific precursor VOC Generation SOA Estimation; With the enhancement of online measurement techniques, EC tracer / CO tracing and OC / EC ratio methods and methods based on Aerosol Mass Spectrometry (AMS) - Orthogonal Matrix Models (PMF) are widely used in SOA Especially the emergence of the AMS-PMF method opens up a new direction for the research on the source and generation mechanism of SOA.The further combination and development of AMS technology and tracer technology are expected to be an important direction for future SOA research.
目的:  1.探讨DHEA和来曲唑构建雌性Wistar大鼠多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)两种动物模型的内分泌及胰岛素抵抗特征,以及卵巢形态学变化。  2.探讨DHEA和来曲唑大鼠PCOS两种模型卵
新课改的重要目标是为了迎接知识发展和科技进步的需要,面向现代化培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,这也是素质教育的重要内容.探究式学习是一种顺应新课标的要求产生的、有助于学生自主学习的方法.本文主要从高中数学领域的角度出发,结合苏教版教材的例子对探究性学习的开展进行探讨.通过对探究性学习的本质、实施过程和方法、开展的意义等方面来展示探究式学习的作用.  一、探究性学习的实质  探究性学习是指学生在学习情